samedi 14 juillet 2012

mardi 22 septembre 2010

OK. Actually summer 2010 IS the best ever =D
August 7 at 6:38pm
Claire Dehelly, Matthieu Fouchet and Elisabeth MacGregor like this.

♫ waka waka ♪
August 9 at 4:49pm
Matthieu Fouchet, Elisabeth MacGregor and 2 others like this

I lie, I pretend 'til I'm almost certain : It's a beautiful world =)
August 11 at 3:02pm

I gotta find a way...
August 13 at 6:07pm 

♫ When you are near me, when you are here I see all that I am made of... ♪
August 13 at 6:08pm

journée magnifique ♥ j'aimerais bien rejoindre tous ces avions qui ont mis les pleins phares en marche et qui stagnent dans le ciel ! Et puis c'est joli, de temps en temps on voit une étoile qui clignote tout la haut... ;)
August 17 at 1:42am

♥ Marie is in a relationship with Matthieu Fouchet.
Pascaline Dorges, Salomé Bulté, Pierre Birly and 6 others like this.

‎[And the time is running out and we still have to say GOODBYE ...♥]
August 19 at 7:03pm

Une journée en voiture en perspective... pour pouvoir mieux marquer la souffrance qu'apporte cette fin de vacances ! T_T Je déteste la voiture. En plus je suis trop malade pour bouquiner tranquille. Pourquoi toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin ? Ces vacances étaient les meilleures que j'ai passé, de très loin. Merci à tous ceux et celles qui ont contribué à les rendre si parfaites... ♥
August 28 at 1:02am

Following a star has lead to where you are ♥
August 30 at 1:42am 

You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can't be sure. But it doesn't matter : because we'll be together.
September 2 at 8:52pm

‎-Why is it so important to dream? 
-Because, in my dreams we are together.
September 5 at 9:47pm 

Love is our resistance, they'll keep us apart and they won't stop breaking us down... Hold me ! Our lips must always be sealed ♥
September 6 at 12:11am

Almost on and off in echoes, time is passing so slow, dragging me deep... I can't make anything out of "might've beens", will tomorrow bring all into light? When you are near me, when you are here I see... ♥
September 12 at 1:40am

my mind is gone, I'm spinning 'round, and deep inside, my tears I'll drown... I'm loosing grip, what's happening ? I strayed from love, this is how I feel...
September 12 at 7:17pm 

La douleur infinie de celui qui reste 
Comme un pâle reflet de l'infini voyage 
Qui attend celui qui part. 
[Pierre Bottero]
September 13 at 6:01pm

this time was different, felt like I was just a victim and it cut me like a knife when you walked out of my life... now I'm in this condition and I've got all the symptoms of a girl with a broken heart... :'(
September 13 at 10:41pm

I'm a big big girl 
in a big big world 
it's not a big big thing 
if you leave me, 
but I do do feel 
that I too too will 
miss you much, 
miss you much ♥
September 14 at 7:09p

For all of the times we've stopped. For all of the things I'm not. 
We put one foot in front of the other, we move like we ain't got no other, we go when we go... We're marching on.
September 14 at 10:43pm

And there are voices that want to be heard, so much to mention but you can't find the words... The scent of magic, the beauty that's been, when love was wilder than the wind ♥
September 15 at 2:52pm

The precious moments are all lost in the tide yeah. They're swept away and nothing is what it seems... The feeling of belonging to your dreams ★
September 15 at 2:55pm 

My tears run down like razorblades, and no, I'm not the one to blame, it's you, or is it me ? And all the words we never say come out and now we're all ashamed and there's no sense in playing games when you've done all you can do... But now it's over, it's over, why is it over ? We had the chance to make it now it's over, it's over, it can't be over... I wish that I could take it back, but it's over ★
September 15 at 2:57pm

This is the way you left me, I'm not pretending. No hope, no love, no glory, no Happy Ending. This is the way that we love, Like it's forever. Then live the rest of our life, but not together.
September 15 at 3:00p

Light up, light up. As if you have a choice. Even if you cannot hear my voice, I'll be right beside you dear ! Louder, louder... And we'll run for our lives, I can hardly speak I understand why you can't raise your voice to say to think I might not see those eyes makes it so hard not to cry... And as we say our long goodbye I nearly do ♥
September 16 at 7:53pm

I wish that it could be the way that it was but it's over, there's no one to blame... It'll never be the same. ♥ Two wrongs don't make it right, two hearts are on the line. Maybe we could have made it, have waited, done this right... In the end I'm a friend...But that's all I am to you ★
September 18 at 2:57a

Just thinking back to where we started and how we lost all that we are ! I'm standing here but you don't see me, I'd give it all for that to change. And i don't want to lose him, don't want to let him go. I'm standing out in the rain, I need to know if it's over, Cause I will leave you alone. Flooded with all this pain, knowing that i'll never hold him, like i did before the storm ♥
September 18 at 7:40pm

I just want you to know that I've been fighting to let you go, some days I make it through... and then there's nights that never end ! I wish that I could believe that there's a day you'll come back to me, but still I have to say : I would do it all again, Just want you to know... ♥
Monday at 7:44pm

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